Wednesday, September 24, 2008

~ ほうが ! ~




You have to admit that にほんご Scary Movies are the best scary movies. So far, I've only see いちにほんごscary movie and it's called Infection (かんせん), and it's pretty darn freaky. The setting of the movie takes place in a びよいんand so forth. If you have the chance to go search for it, then go right ahead and watch it...alone in the dark. (Ech, I wouldn't really recommend watching it alone or in the dark; it gets too freaky and then you can't even go to the おてあらいby yourself. Haha)

にほんご Scary Movies, otherwise as known as J-Horror, tend to emphasize on psychological horror and tension building (anticipation), mainly involving ghots and poltergeists. Poltergeistsare ghosts that make noises, rumble, and move things through the air.

I am sure everyone has seen the movie, The Ring (the American version) before. It wasn't that scary. It was a remake of the にほんご version of the 1998 film called Ringu(りんぐ). It brought the image of ゆうれい to Western popular culture for the first time, although the image has existed in Japan for centuries. Yūrei are にほんご ghosts, ones who have been bound to the physical world through strong emotions which do not allow them to pass on. Depending on the emotion that binds them, they manifest as a particular type of ghost.

Most common to J-Horror is the おんりょ, a ( ゆうれい ), bound by a desire for vengenace. They are generally female, although male yūrei do exist. They wear white clothing, which is the color of funeral garb in にほん。 They have long, often unkempt black hair, which comes from Kabui theater where each character has a particular type of wig that identifies them to the audience.

そしてそわたしは getting a bit freaked out as I'm writing this entry. Haha Yeah, I get scared easily but the movies are just too irresistable!


Ryan said...

わたしわ watched りんぐ a long time ago, and りんぐわたのします。

Max said...

have you ever seen a movie called "Tetsuo: The Iron Man" by Shinya Tsukamoto? Not really a movie about ghosts per se, but really really scary. It's about a man who slowly and horrifyingly becomes a robot after he runs over a "metal fetishist" with his car. I think the director derived the theme of monstrous transformation from Akira (The name of the film is a definite call back). If you like J-horror I'd recommend it, although I've never been able to finish it (too scary ~_~')

eternalsphere25 said...


suzieeee said...


I purposely avoid those movies and so easily you bring these images upon me!
I hate scary movies, but LOVEEE JJangu!


Ryan said...

はい、わたしわ Asian らいあんです。

eternalsphere25 said...

